Friday, December 4, 2009

that time of the month

It's THAT time of the month.

* perut sakit 2,3 days prior to it.
* emosi berubah2 seperti sekali air bah, sekali pantai berubah.
* emosi di paras sensitif, kalo buleh sukat, akan berada di zon merah.
* did I mention about me being emotional?
* kepale sakit berdenyut berdentum bergoncang.
* nafsu makan meminta untuk dibelai belai.
* bila dah smpai masa, ha, sakit jugak perut tu masih.
* nak gerak pun susah rase x selesa.
* selain dari sakit di ubun2 perut (perut mane ade ubun2, mengarut! -jgn pedulik, tgh sensitip nih), ade jugak perasaan sakit untuk buang air besar every now and then. rimas.
* nak mkn panadol, paracetamol, ponstan etc, tak buleh, sbb nnt ade effect dia. Dah penah cuba. Belajar dr pengalaman.
* ketika perlu gunakan tandas terutamanye tandas awam, akan amik mase yg lebih lama dr biasa. untuk menguruskan diri. haih.

The list goes on and on and it changes every now and then. What happened last month might not be recurring again on the next month and so forth. Ever heard the overused line "Life's a box of chocolate. You never know what you'll get"? It's exactly that.

Having a period can be a pain. So cut us some slack, will ya?

Yes, the line is from Forrest Gump. And yes, the line "Run Forrest, Run" also rushes to mind.

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