Thursday, December 24, 2009

Potong stim

Apakah itu potong stim?

Bunyik mcm lucah but in this context it's not even close to softcore porn.

Potong stim itu adalah bila kami tgh asyik menonton 8 tibi, saat climax cerita Lord Of The Rings : The Return Of The Kings, dan tiba2 cita tuh berenti kejap utk memberi laluan kepada 8tb quickie.


Sapa nak tengok 3 beruk yang masing2 gila nak bercakap macam tak ada hari esok. We want to continue watching LOTR dammit. It is THE movie. Dah berapa taun since we last watched it and watching it on Christmas Eve is a splendid thing to do. It beats getting wasted celebrating a celebration that you don't even have a single clue about yet you say out loud "Merry Christmassss" on top of your lungs when the clock strikes 12 with a bottle of Bacardi. Ye, saya menyindir khas utk Muslim yang x berape nk muslim. HO HO HO.

Why the negativity and full of rage?

Sebab 8tb quickie tuh la da potong stim saya tgk LOTR.

Go Aragorn go, kamulah makhluk tuhan plg shexi. Dulu siap berangan kawen dgn Aragorn lagik tuh!


Portdy said...

hahaha samalah kita! di ambang krismes itu....

potong stim betul..
tapi dalam hati cakap takpa2 kan aku ada semua dvd LOTR.

tapi tak sama seh kalau tengok tv hahaha....feel lain skit...

MyNameIsdD said...


fuh I'm not the only one then! Lepas tuh bile cerita tuh sambung after 8tv quickie tuh dia punya feel da x syok mcm mula2 tgk before kene interrupt tuh. booo 8TV Quickieee

MyNameIsdD said...
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Anonymous said...

but i like julie(heroin blogger boy) in the show ..huhu

MyNameIsdD said...

boo Julie. Yay Aragorn! heheh. alaa tinggalkan nama...I dun know who u are, x dpt nk komen mesra2~