Sunday, December 13, 2009


Saya ade ramai girlfriends. Orientasi seks sy masih lurus, x pernah lagi bengkok. Tapi saye ade girlfriends. Kawan perempuan. Mereka perempuan yang sgt menyenangkan saye. Hati gembira berdenyut2 bila tau saat nk berjumpa dgn 3 org bekas teman sebilik yg sy rindu super tahap gaban nih. Ade sorang tuh dekat setaun tak jupe. Last jupe time die kawen bulan 12 taun lepas. It's a shame though we couldn't have a proper rendezvous with all four of us roomies due to difficult circumstance but fret not, there'll be next time and I'm having my fingers and toes cross that on that next time, all four of us shall be able to meet, makan besar sambil menambahkan size ukur lilit pinggang dan berkongsi gosip2 hangat ;-)

we had our lunch @ chili's.

makanan yg di order nasib baik bes, dan berjaye mengetatkan seluar jeans masing2. suksess.

We chatted like there's no tomorrow. It was awesome to catch up with this married young lady! Nak tanya soklan malam pertama pun buleh kalo nak. Kalo nak, lah... :-p Sbelum makan2 nih mula kami tgk movie dulu, cite The Princess and The Frog. Ramai gila budak kecik yg di bawak parents (kaum ibu la yg byk) memasing. It reminded me why I don't like to catch cartoon in the cinema. Budak2 bising! hahahhaa. Mak2 plak asek terangkan kat anak masing2 ape yg terjadi kt movie tuh.

Budak : "Mak, mak tuh nape tuh mak"

Mak Budak : "Org jahat tuh tukarkan die jadik frog"

dD : (sabar dD, sabar, u're looking at you in 10 years!) - whispering smbl pujuk hati.

On the next day, Lin could not join us so she missed out meeting Azraq. Xape, ade rezki i'Allah korang buleh jupe plak ye. Iliey took us to Sunway Pyramid. I was there merely to company them shopping. Pat on my back for behaving so good and did not do too much damage on my already thinning purse. Tahniah.

what would a rendezvous be without pigging out. So pigging out we did! :-D

We had our lunch here. We love everything Korean hence the decision :-p.

Dari zaman jadik roomies, smpai la da agak dewasa tp belum tua, kami suka everything Korean. Azraq and Iliey had been there last year, I couldn't join as I had spent thousands on somewhere else but I promised myself that I'll follow suit. Someday. (Cepat2la murah rezeki buleh pegi Korea. Amiiiin).

I had super loaded fun meeting these girls. I have been missing them badly so it was nice to finally able to meet up and know what's up in each other's life. I wish I could do this often and meeting more people that I have not met for years, but life's a bee eversince everyone started working all around M'sia :-(

However little I may contact you, rest assure that you're always on my mind though because each friend matters to me. A LOT. :-)

Teringin nak naik kereta transformers Azraq ;-)

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