Thursday, December 24, 2009

Bila hormon itu kicks in

You've never stalked anybody before on Facebook? Tipu lah.

I do that every once in a while.
OK lah, I do that at least a few times each week. Sheesh.

I sometimes stalk people that I don't even know. S/He could be a friend of a friend and my stalking are based on pure attraction on the profile picture. Or when they leave a comment on a friend's page. It is a compliment if I stalk you. It means you're attractive. Or interesting. Or probably just downright annoying that I would love to dig any bad things about you to bring you down someday muahahaha (- x pernah terjadi lagik but never says never hoh >:-P)

I just stalked somebody on Facebook. She's now studying at a place that I graduated from.

Saw her being tagged in one of my friend's photo and hati ini berdetik2 berkata, alamak comel nya perempuan nih. I adore her style and sudahla comel, memang gabungan yang mengasyikkan.

Kenapalah time aku study dulu die takde eh. Kalo tak mungkin kami boleh jadik BFF and akan byk lah gambar2 die dlm simpanan aku that could bring a smile to my face. Kalo tak BFF pun mungkin dapat aku jadik peminat rahsie dia dan muka blush blush bila nampak dia dekat perkarangan university. HAH HAH HAH.

Tengok tuh, hormon lesbianism sudah mula kicks in.

I'm sure that lesbianism has got nothing to do with hormones but I'd continue blaming it on the hormones still. Finger pointing is crucial in making one feel less guilty.

Kenapa kerete abah calar nih?
Oh tadi ade batu dekat lori tercampak kene kereta. (Padahal bawak laju and was tailing that lorry super close, mmg lah impak calar tuh superb)

Mee goreng nih tak bape syiok lah.
Oh tuh aku goreng guna mee melayu sebab tuh rasa die pahit skit tuh. (dah tau pahit kenapa guna jugak?)

Kenape awak tak bawak buku?
Kat jadual tulis hari nih bawak buku grammar la teacher (sape yg tulis dlm jadual tuh, awak kan, saye cepuk, nak?)

*Dialog di atas imaginasi semata mata*

Sebab tuh la I want to put the blame on the hormone. Besh rase bile dpt blame bende lain. Jom makan eksrim? Bila gemuk buleh salahkan eskrim sape suh duduk dlm peti ais sambil menggoda aku suruh makan dia.

Ade tak WWE utk kucing? Nak masukkan 2 ekor kucing jantan kat belakang umah nih yg dok mengieow dari tadi nak bergaduh.

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