Thursday, October 30, 2008

(Breaking News) Even Them Too?

I was reading the online local newspaper. Despite the mountaining exam papers that I have to mark, I still have to keep up with what's happening today, don't I ?

Don't judge me, but as a normal, typical human being who is always drawn to hot news (or some prefer to call them gossip.. shessh..) this caught my attention.

Pelakon Gerak Khas ditangkap khalwat

KUALA LUMPUR: Pelakon Gerak Khas yang kini rumahtangganya dikatakan sedang retak, pagi tadi ditangkap khalwat di sebuah premis perniagaan di Jalan UP 1/2, Ukay Perdana, di sini.

Tangkapan dilakukan kira-kira jam 2 pagi oleh Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (Jais), berikutan maklumat orang ramai.

Timbalan Ketua Polis Daerah Ampang, Superintendan Amiruddin Jamaluddin, berkata pihaknya menerima laporan tangkapan pasangan itu daripada Jais kira-kira jam 3 pagi.

The actor of Gerak Khas.
Marriage that is crumbling down.
For those who has been reading the local newspaper, come on don't tell me his name did not cross your mind.

He has been denying about the rumours of his failing marriage.
His wife admitted (to the reporters) that their marriage is facing a whirlwind tornado.
They just had a baby girl, for God's sake.
And then this happened.

It surely makes me nervous just thinking about getting married! It is a gamble that is risky. You may win or you may not. For those who lose, the losses could be quite big and traumatic. Eek!

BTW, don't tell me you still dunno who that person is?

It's that actor Norman Hakim, lah.


Wahidah said...

kesian kan dkt abby tu....dh la tgh pregnant...kali ke dua norman wat hal..sbr jer la

MyNameIsdD said...

tuhla pasal,
takpela harap due2 dpt yg terbaik aje lah dlm kehidupan diaorg. nak komen lelebih pun kita bukan dlm situasi diaorg kan huhu.