Monday, January 24, 2011

what the hell

If you snoop around a little bit harder you might have noticed that two years back, I posted two entries about Avril Lavigne and her concert in Malaysia. Yes, I went to watch her because I was, still am actually, her fan. Not her biggest fan. Just a fan. Honest.

If you know me a bit better you would know that I adore 2 girls in this pop industry although I am embarrassed to admit so. Nampak macam loser. Haha. Ntahla. Tapi aku suka Britney Spears and Avril Lavigne. Lelain suke gak tapi yang dua nih macam suka gegila tak buleh blah eventho dah cube cakap kat diri sendiri "eh eh tak kewl langsung kot minat derang nih macam budak tadika aje T_T"

Kalo Britney datang mau aku pegi nengok show dia. Tapi dia tak datang.

Back to Avril.

Lagu Complicated time tuh kuar baru lepas SPM rasenye. Woooh teen angst. Rase kewl habes hahah. Time tuh pulak memang suka pakai baju warna gelap gelap. Pakai gelang getah warna hitam tu bebanyak (huduh gila bila tgk gamba dedulu hahahahha). Selain gelang bederet, suka pulak tuh pakai cincin ntah pape. Kengkadang sampai due, tige, pakai cincin besi bentuk memacam. My husband who was my friend back then selalu lah nampak aku pakai cemgitu. Skarang dah jadik bini dia, dia kate mendelah pakai cemtuh. Pelik. Hahaha. Kasut sneakers memang feberet. Tak pernah nak berjinak jinak dengan heels kalo pegi shopping. Rase macam nak bunuh kaki.

Tapi time tuh rase macam Avril tiru aku.

Kat mulut macam cakap "mendelah avril nih poser giler".
Tapi dalam hati "ah comel gak pempuan nih".

Akhirnye, sampai la nih lagu feberet karoke adelah Sk8er boi. Hahaha.

Years after years, we grew up. Cewah. Umo kami sebaya. Haha. Her songs changed a bit from album to album. She got married. She gotten more feminine. Dah lama dia senyap. Last year buat soundtrack movie Alive in Wonderland, okehla. Nothing spectacular.

Taun ni, muncul with a new album that would be out this March. Her first single is What The Hell. New year's eve harituh buat show rancangan apetah, dia nyanyi lagu nih, pempuan nih da kurang lompat lompat dah. Umo da bertambah kan. Stamina tak mantap cam dedulu. Kang sore hancur lebur berdebu. This song is pretty much similar to the song Girlfriend. It has the same vibe and energy although I heard that this would be the only pop-pish song in her new album as the rest would be dark and emotional. Menarik.

And earlier tonight, I watched her official music video to this song. Alolololo comel.

Tak buleh blah dah, saye secare memalu akui lagik sekali :-

ye, saye minat Avril Lavigne.


nih behind the scenes dia. btw mak dia ada cameo dalam vid what the hell tuh.

nih la the official music vid. sexy dah. hehe. will it work, dunno. but it works for me. hahaha.


Aida Ikmal said...

<< me kipas susah mati avril gak! :)

btw, thanks for the words of encouragement, dd.. i definitely feel much better :)

MyNameIsdD said...

hehehe gimme five!!

btw, good to hear that :-)