Tuesday, January 4, 2011

that IS my cat. this IS my book.

Rase macam senang aje kan ayat ayat bawah ni:-

That is my cat.

This is my book.

Average Malaysians would understand the above sentences with no difficulties and could produce own sentences like the above with very little effort or perhaps none at all. However, there are some who can't fathom the above sentences let alone writing them on their own, using own words. And they are my students. I teach both first and the last class for Form 2 (and another form 2 class that is quite weak too) and you could see a vast difference between these two classes. Kadang kadang rase sebak jugak..sebab sebelum jadik cikgu nih memang tak pernah terlintas yang ade murid yang sungguh sungguh lemah.

Kalo ade yang cakap, semua orang nih dilahirkan sama saje, tapi usaha yang memainkan peranan. Sorry, but I beg to differ. Students kelas yang depan depan nih senang skit nak tangkap dan fahamkan ape yang dicakap walaupun ade tuh yang malas tahap gaban T_T. Hati terang. Tapi yang kelas belakang belakang ni kene betul betul cakap the simplest way possible, ayat kene pendek dan tepat. Ade jugak yang rajin dan dapatlah result yang okay tapi masih jauh ketinggalan lah kalau nak dibandingkan dengan students kelas lain. Kesian kan. Tapi usaha tuh memang patut dipuji :-)

Hari nih saje I spent a period teaching them when to use 'IS'. Baru 'IS' saje, belum masuk 'ARE' lagik sebab sadly, hanya a few saje yang cepat catch up dalam kelas tuh and I have to cater to the majority.

Paling best, bila akhir waktu, suruh buat ayat sendiri, most of them could do it. Phew. Terase lah berbaloi mulut nih bergulung sebut bende yang same aje. I don't set a high expectation for this class because I have to get real. Therefore, I am planning to equip them with the basic stuff so that maybe they could use it later on in their life. Janganlah sampai nanti nak perkenalkan diri sendiri dalam Bahasa Inggeris pun tak buleh huu.

Hari nih jugak form one students abes orientation. Memang la ramai yang cecomel tahap candy tapi ituh baru baru awal tahun kan, semua masih ade halo atas kepala :-D Towards the end of their orientation, they had to seek for the teachers' signature and the teacher's room was crowded with these little eager mini people. However, only a few came to me. There were probably around 25 students. Sebabnye ? Lepas derang bukak aje mulut tanye mintak signature bagai, aku cakap :- "you would have to speak to me in English if you want my signature". Hah, menggagau bebudak tuh nak carik cemane nak cakap "tolong tulis nama dan tandatangan di sini" dalam BI.

Yang dapat signature aku tuh, thumbs up for trying. Two thumbs up for not being scared at the thought of speaking in English. You shouldn't be scared of something that would do you good :-)


~M i z a ~ said...

mesti thrill kan ngajar budak2 ni.. saya time prac dlu kena ajar class no 2 dari belakang. tuhan je yang tau bila smp time observation..huhu~
good luck kak didi!

p/s: comel lah cara kak didi suh bdk2 form 1 ckp english. :)

MyNameIsdD said...

hee memang thrill, tapi as you age and gain experiences, you will find that it is not as scary as it used to be ;-)

dah dapat posting tak miza? all the best!!