Thursday, January 27, 2011

the arrival of hero kecik :-)

My ex roomie in college just gave birth to a baby boy today at 945 pm. It can't be explained in words but my heart right now is bursting with love and affection towards this little hero that I haven't even met yet.

Teringat zaman dulu dulu waktu study, waktu mude mude hehe. Makan nasik bungkus ramai ramai, gi jenjalan mid valley nak beli air mineral haha. Kadang kadang jalan jejauh ramai ramai pegi makan kat luar. Skarang ade yang dah jadik mommy dah :-)

I can't wait to meet this cutie but I would wait until the confinement period of the mommy ends before I pay them a visit. She would need a lot of rest, I reckon :-)

When I got to know about her pregnancy, I was thrilled beyond words. She broke the news to me through Yahoo Messenger and I was smiling from ear to ear. I know that they have been looking forward for a baby (pasangan mane lah yang tamau baby kan. Susah nak jumpa) and it took some time to have one considering they were miles apart due to work commitment. After she got her transfer to Selangor , tup tup, dapat conceive pun. Alhamdulillah. Rezeki dari Allah. Semoga lepas nih rezeki lebih murah lagik ye untuk Lin & Fairul and also baby Alif Irfan.

Baby Alif Irfan, aunty dD doa yang baik baik untuk awak. Mak awak baik sangat orangnye, mesti awak dah besar nanti baik macam mak awak jugak :-) Semoga sihat, cergas dan dirahmati dunia akhirat. InsyaAllah.

The world feels even more beautiful knowing that this little hero has arrived safe and sound. Praised be to Allah.

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