Monday, October 25, 2010

examiners - at work.

oh waw, try waking up at 445a.m, drive 2hrs straight early in the morning and go straight to a meeting where you be the youngest and inexperienced. Mark essays after a short morning break and try categorizing them accordingly after reading them as a whole whilst praying that you don't stray too far from others. Heho.

These were what I did earlier today and I am so knackered :-D

Although I must say that I am eager and pretty excited to be one of the markers for English PMR this year and gain as much experience as I could while learning from others who are far more experienced than yours truly.

Let's hope that I would be able to do my work and reward marks accordingly supaya tidak menganiayai mana mana pihak though. Hee.


Hani Blythe said...

wah dah jadi puan pemeriksa!!! baguih!

MyNameIsdD said...

kebetulan ade kosong! heee. tapi rase nerbes, teringt zaman2 kite skolah dulu, sape lah yg mark paper kita ek. heheh.