Thursday, December 23, 2010

wrapping this year up :-)

I don't always get what I want and that could be really painful to think. At times. Therefore, I made a promise to myself not to think about what I don't have. The what-ifs. Because I rather not dwelling in sadness when I could spend the rest of time with joy and calmness. Despite the whirlwind about my transfer, there were happier times that I am grateful for. Alhamdulillah.

1. My husband (he was my bf during that time) managed to go through several eye treatments and his condition has been getting on well from that point. The eye treatments (laser + injection to the eyes) were covered by his company's insurance and that was a huge relief because we otherwise might not be able to afford them.

2. Relationship wise, we were able to go through the merisik, bertunang and berkahwin stage all in a year. When we looked back at those times, it felt rather magical because it seemed like they happened on their own. Almost. Things just fall into the right places and what more could we say than praised be to Allah for letting them happened smoothly.

3. Economy wise, we are still struggling but the condition is better than last year's. We got better pay, I got to mark for English PMR (and I have bought a new handphone using the money I got from marking :-D), he got to buy his car and inshaAllah we will be going for our major honeymoon next March. We have paid for the tix and are now planning for the itinerary. Can't wait :-) Hopefully, this too will be a smooth sailing. It is my dream destination and to be able to go there for our honeymoon is like a dream come true, as corny as it sounds :-D

4. Our family grew larger with this marriage as well as our circle of friends. Can't help but too fall in love with each individual that I get to know and it is a relief for I did not find a hard time blending in. Neither does he. I thank God for being able to marry a man whose kampung is minutes away from mine as it gives a great advantage to us, especially in our circumstances where my mom is a single mom and his father is not really in the perks of his health. Being able to visit both during weekend is great :-)

There are many more things that I am grateful for but these are all that I could type as of now. I am rushing to pack my stuff because I had to go back to Batu Pahat next week for the school's meeting.

Have a great end-of-year everyone. I wish that all of you will wrap this year with contentment in your heart and hopefully next year will bring much joy and happiness to each of us. Ameen.

Take care :-)


nurarinab said...

Seronokkan dd..At last nnt kita akn ingt sume benda tu sangat menyeronokkan..wah,nk g huneymoon mn tu??bestnye!!!njoy n amik pics byk2 tau :)

MyNameIsdD said...

a'ah hehehe. bile ingt balik time kawen etc terus senyum2 sorang2 :-p heee arina, insyaAllah kalo sumer berjalan lancar, kami nk ke korea nnt.

nurarinab said...

wahhh ke korea gitu..dahlah dd mmg suke korea2 ni kan..hehe.arina nk krm 1 bnda je, nk fridge magnet buley?? (buat mata kedip2)

MyNameIsdD said...

buley...inshaAllah memang rancang nak beli pun fridge magnet tu :-) lepas ni nak senaraikan bende2 souvenir nak beli utk memember. Cheng tulis kt FB nak adiah utk baby girl korang dari Korea, nanti kami try carik jugak yek!

nurarinab said...

thanx didi!!kitorg doa utk korg kot2 dpt ank korea balik nnt :)

MyNameIsdD said...

ameen dear :-)