Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Stuffed Crab at Tong Juan, Kemaman.

We googled "good place to eat in Kemaman" upon reaching Terengganu and the search returned with a number of blogs suggesting to eat at Tong Juan which serves stuffed crab. I have honestly never heard of a stuffed crab before while my husband heard about it from a colleague who recalled his father always bringing back home stuffed crab when he was in Kemaman.

We decided to give it a go.

It is located right smack in the middle of the town, at Jalan Sulaimani. We googled the destination after failing to search for it using the GPS navigator and it is not hard to locate, really. I reckon you could go there just by using the most ancient method ever that is; stop and ask for direction. Just ask how to get to Jalan Sulaimani and the restaurant is at the end of the road, opposite the big river.

my husband is pulling the crab pose.

A number of people from all walks of life.

The menu. Pity they don't mention the price along with the menu, though.

We were so hungry, we ended up looking like this!

This is how I look like when I'm famished.

And we got our meals about 20 mins later. Seafood fried rice, chicken fried rice, stuffed crab (of course!) and asparagus fried in oyster sauce.

The stuffed crabs

What's inside it

Our bill was RM 40. The stuffed crab is RM 8 each. We ordered chilled chinese tea to go with the food and that helped us to save a little. Quite expensive for a lunch for two but the experience was well worth it. Now we can proudly say that "HEY I'VE TASTED STUFFED CRAB!"

The fried rice was tasty and we were bloated upon walking out from there. If you are not too hungry, a plate of fried rice would do for two people.


Wahidah said...

wah aku tk pernah try..best ke diyana

MyNameIsdD said...

best ke tak itu begantung pada selera individu rasenye tapi aku rase ianya sangat interesting, sebab tu aku try :-) rase dia bagi aku tak la wow! sangat tapi aku puas hati dah cuba kat tempat yang famous ;-p

marshary said...

wah... aku yg duk kemaman pun xpenah lagi masuk sini.... huhuh
tp mmg byk org kate kat sini mmg best...

MyNameIsdD said...

apo lagik, makang la hehe