Wednesday, December 22, 2010

rock band

I first laid my hands on the rock band set back in May 2008. I was in the States, visiting my then bf. Kat living room rumah dia, satu malam lepas kami keluar, ternampak his juniors playing rock band. I was very curious. Hee. I once caught an episode in Gossip Girl where Serena played Guitar Hero and thought that it was pretty awesome. Sekarang ini, wahhh dah ade depan mata. He nudged me and asked "nak main gi la join" tapi being a loyal gf who missed her bf (yang dah tak jumpa for nearly 2 years, *gile lama kan*) mestilah nak berkepit kalo buleh 24/7. Kan. So I just politely said no and went on accompanying him packing his stuff (he was leaving the States for good and coming back to M'sia).

Another night, jeng jeng jeng, he was packing his stuff downstairs and I saw the rock band set looking all pretty and lonely. Takde sape sape main dengan dia. Alalala keshian. Sket demi sket pergi dekat the drum set. He turned on the whole thing and dapatla I played with the drum set. Sorang sorang aje main. Layan. Rasenye main sampaila masa for me to go to this three kind girls' house untuk tumpang tido.

Itu dah addicted tu. Sampai da habis main pun lagu lagu dia terngiang2.

Next, I joined his juniors playing the whole set. Wah, lagik best. Memang dah rase macam rock band sungguh ni. Tapi I suck in playing the guitar set. Drum jugak yang best :-) Konon konon harituh tanak main la kan, tengok, sekali dah main, addicted u. :-p

I can't remember the last time I played it tapi thanks to the rock band set, I got hooked with Paramore sebab masa tu suka main drum lagu Crush crush crush. Balik aje M'sia dah jadik peminat tegar Paramore (sembil perasan jadik Hayley - ape hal?) dan simpan impian that one day, I'm gonna buy that thing! Tak kisahla da not in the in thing pun tak ape, I solemnly swear that I would play them precious beings at least once a week :-p

Sampai sekarang pun belum beli lagik hehe. Maybe lepas dah ade rumah sendiri. Nanti buleh selalu main rock band dengan suami :-)

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