Tuesday, December 14, 2010

sick bug~

I feel like this..

It's because my husband is not feeling well right now. It has been so for the past three days. To top it off, I too am not feeling too good. I have been feverish when night comes for about a week now. I try to maintain my composure and beat this whatever-sick-bug that is bugging me to ensure that I could take good care of my husband.

Get well soon, suami.


nurarinab said...

jg kshtn kalian!!ade org tnda2 nk pregnan die adlh dmm.so wish 4 d best ok..mnm air byk2,mkn vit c byk2 gak..musim dmm pn yer skrg ni..

MyNameIsdD said...

baeklah puan Arina!