Tuesday, June 9, 2009

one down, four more to go

Holidays bring out the laziness in human being. If there is a person who would do a research about the former sentence, they are likely to find the truth to that sentence. I don't know if there is a direct link between laziness and holiday or if there is a secret cell in our brains that becomes dysfunctional during the holidays. Whatever it is, I could be one of the case study because there is only a few days left before this hols end it is so embarrassing to think of how I reminded the kids to do their homework and yet I have yet to finish marking their exam papers *blush* *blush*.

I have just started the marking marathon earlier this evening and it was just so hard to resist the temptation to put down the red pen and go surfing the internet instead, or taking a *cough (long) cough* nap. Gimme a break, I was fasting.

Thank God I have a younger brother to boss around. He helps me in marking the objective papers (and has only managed to complete marking 2 classes out of 5 but nevermind, who's complaining). While I strive to mark the essay papers. They didn't write long but it is such a hassle to determine which category they fall under. High C, average C, low C, high D? And so forth *take note that I didn't list neither A nor B because sadly, my students have a long way to go before they would be able to reach that level of awesome-ness :(* Each category has their own criterion and I found myself constantly referring to these criterion in deciding their marks so that's why it took longer to finish marking the whole class.


I've completed marking one class. There is only 4 more to go. I think it's time to bribe my brother yet again.


Portdy said...

kalau saya , saya mintak belanja dreambox lima hari berturut2

...yang ada makan buffet punya ok?
tak mau yang pagi punya hehehehehhe

MyNameIsdD said...

portdy, i feel so lucky that u r not my brother! :P kalo tidak pasti kopak sekopak2nye :D