Friday, June 12, 2009

the craving

I'm fasting and I have this killer craving. I actually have been having this craving since last week (I don't know for what reason but the desire just popped out of nowhere). I have an uber ultimate craving for milkshakes! mmmm nyums~ I went to the States a year ago and had this chance to indulge in this glass of milkshake that was out of this world. It was that tasty! I had it at Steak n Shake restaurant at Illinois. I was there with this bunch of M'sian students for a game that is held annually for M'sian students studying in the States. I was not one of them but I joined in the bandwagon anyway :P The main thing that I could remember from this trip was,.... obviously, the milkshake! I wish I have pictures of those tasty milkshakes. There were like, 5 of different flavours on our table and we didn't mind sharing and sipping each milkshakes although we barely knew each other at that time. Guess the milkshakes bring all of us closer! :D

Because of the lacking of the pictures, I had tough time remembering the name of this restaurant. I was so into this craving that I actually wikipedia-ed milkshake and the determination definitely paid off and as soon as I saw the name "Steak N Shake", I knew I hit the jackpot. The memory came rushing in :)

I wish the outlet would open soon in Malaysia. There's Wendy's and Carl's Jr. but it would be great to have Steak N Shake too so that I could have a bite at their famous steak hamburgers *did not get the chance to eat any at that time due to my belief :)*. However, I doubt it would be here soon, so probably, just maybe, I would settle for the next milkshake that I could find. Carl's Jr, anyone?


Portdy said...

Selamat berbuka puasa Dd,

Saya memang suka minum ais tapi itu sebelum saya kenal ngan my wife, dia ni jenis tak minum airbatu, habit dia minum air suam....

so, sampai sekarang dah hampir 4 tahun jugak la tak minum airbatu/aisblended/aiskrim ...penah juga langgar pas tu sakit sema2 lah batuk la makan berminggu...

ni mywife pregnant 2nd baby, aritu dia ngidam nak makan sekerim...hahaha baby ikut perangai ayah dia dulu dulu huhuhu..

habis satu umah sema2+ batuk2!

sebut pasal craving...
im hunger for BurgerKing Whooper huhuhuhu ...macam nak kena turun Mahkota Parade je..

MyNameIsdD said...

thanx portdy! :) Just a few more days to go kemdian saye akan selesai membayar hutang :)

that is so inspiring. jarang kut husband nk ikut kebiasaan isteri. It's usually the other way around. You buleh jadik suami mithali (of which I'm sure u are!)

btw, u go to MP often? Where do u live, exactly?

Portdy said...


...tak de lah "suami mithali", mata ni tetap melilau tengok amoi cantik, lengan ni dah teruk kena cubit ngan mybetterhalf...huhuhuhu!

sangat2 jarang ke MP la Dd, selalunye ke Kotak Impian ,Dataran pahlawan tingkat 4 atas Carrefour tu hehehe...

saya orang Pontian,JB - duduk di Tangkak - makan nasi beriani di Kampung Ujong Pasir dan release tension di Banda Hilir , Melaka ! Buleh gitu?

Wahidah said...

alahai..gigih berpuasa yea..nasib la aku dh settle awal2 lg..hehehe..milkshake...??? yummmyyyy