Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What To Give, ah?

I have two major weddings to attend next month. It's the school holidays so it's just natural that people want to get married during this season. Gosh, those wedding planners must be making real big bucks this time of the year. I heard even the price of eggs shoot up now (because Malays usually gives out boiled eggs to their guests as a sign of thank you. Do you have any idea what does the eggs symbolize? I have an idea but I dunno if it's the real truth behind this tradition).

These two major weddings are the weddings of important people in my life. One is a close friend who was once my roomie while the other is a cousin who grew up together with me, so close, that we have people around us calling us twins! Heck, we even almost have the same car's registration number! (His is 2717 while mine is 2718).

So I'm scratching my head every now and then (especially when I invigilate for SPM, the students are busy tackling the questions while I, busy thinking about stuff like this) thinking about what to give them. And that pressie must not be burning my wallet also. I'm not being a tangkai jering here but bear in mind I have to give two pressies, need to save up some dough for something special that I'm gonna buy this end of year while spending my moolah on things that bring me pleasure too (-i.e : shopping *hee hee*, karaoke-ing *it's been a looooong time* and also beautifying me ;D).

Any logical, practical ideas?

Anways, in giving wedding pressies, should we give something that can be used by both parties (husband + wife)?. I don't want to give a set of cutlery. I think that's so lame! They are just married for heaven's sake, they won't be needing lots of tea sets.

Should I give comfy, nice and soft-y bed linen? But what if they have Queen size bed and I give them King's? That would be a waste.

I wish I have lots of moolah so that I could give my gal pal a nice IKEA furniture for her future house and a nice getaway to Bali for my cousin and his wife. Now, if only I am a Hollywood celebrity (!).

P/S - I already have a side-pressie planned for my cousin. He said he wanna give me a penggaru belakang @ back scratch-er if I get married so, I'm gonna give you that, man! Mwahahahaha. (U dunno what is penggaru belakang? Go and ask your grandparents. The elderly looooove to use it).

1 comment:

Wahidah said...

bedsheet pun okay..or maybe set periuk2...:)