Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Damn That Made My Day :P

You ever experienced the feeling of getting an honest compliment after a shi*ty day?

It feels reallllly good and could magically make your stress goes kapoof (that's the sound of something that is magically vanished, you human beings have little imagination don't you :P)

So I was marking my students' final exam papers (had to finish it within today because I'll be away on another *insert any curse word you'd like here* 3 days mission far far *well not so far actually* away from school). The students were finally done with the final exam and so they were happily chatting away with one another and some gathered around me, gossiping away. The thing that I love most about teaching is when I get to interact with these kids (not during lessons) because they never fail to amuse me.

And I love it especially when I say stuff that got them stunned (some funny stuff tho, nothing insulting) and made them laugh their arses off.

I love it even more when they compliment me and they did not even realise it!

What were their compliments? Hee hee hee. That is for me to know and for you to find out :D Just want to spread the word here that giving a compliment could really make someone's day. So if something good crosses your mind when you see someone, let it out and make sure that person knows it. Don't hold back because we don't really lose anything by saying something good about someone. What goes around comes around, hopefully that feel-good-feeling bug will bite you and makes your day better too!

1 comment:

Wahidah said...

amboi aperlah yg dipuji tu yea..:P