Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Sindrom nervous breakdown awal tahun mula dah

Haih memang la menyampah amat super sampah tahap gaban pada awal tahun.

First, let me gently remind all you lot. A teacher does not only teach. S/He does MORE than that. Much more.

Awal tahun (January specifically) is the time where you can find teachers who have been appointed as classroom teacher muka berkerut kerut seribu sehingga terpaksa consider pakai Olay Regenerist untuk menangkis kesan penuaan yang mungkin berlaku.

Duit. Duit sikit pening kepala. Duit banyak pun pening kepala. Betul tak?
Inikan pulak meng handle duit yang bukan milik sendiri. Sangat haramjadah.

Yuran. Tak semua dah bayar.
Nak organise. List of names keeps on changing for eff's sake.
Nak trace balik siapa yang dah bayar / belum bayar is a lot of hassle due to the contradicting name list. Sekejap budak nih kat kelas sini. Sekejap budak nih kat kelas situ. Time register, budak lain. Time kelas da mula, aik, mana budak tuh pegi. Maka bermula lah konflik aku ke kau eh yang patut kutip duit dia and keep track of his yuran.

Fine. Dah ada duit (bear in mind not everyone has paid off their school fees), nak kena divide the money. You have to give some to certain people. Pejabat, cikgu sains, majalah, etc etc (malas dah nak sebut sebab kepala aku dah nyut nyut nyut berdenyut). Tapi oleh kerana the previous masalah (refer the above paragraph), nak decide on yang mana setelkan dulu, how much money shoud be paid first, is also a hassle. And, you are bound to use your own money first. Memang tak buleh elak la.

And there is also the classroom to be decorated. (Duit lagik, adoi ~)
Koku files & CD to be updated.
Students to be arranged.
Books to be marked.

And of course, our core business :

The students to be taught.

But when you are too mentally and physically exhausted to handle this and that, more often than not, you will find yourself unable to teach as good as you initially wanted. Lesson plans are made in a rush, you're unable to search for sufficient teaching materials due to limited time, and when you finally enter the classroom, some of the students take even more of your energy and patience, you eventually find yourself to have none left.

Terasa nervous breakdown bakal berlaku so please God please, bagikla courage kepada saya dan kawan kawan serta limpahi kami dengan blessing yang tidak terhingga agar saat genting ni dapat dilalui dengan mudah. Semua kerja ada masalah. Ala kan besh kalo malam nih da buleh rehat dah tak payah nak struggle buat lesson plan. Hmpph.


Portdy said...

somebodys kat atas sana kena kaji balik beban kerja guru ni...

anyway teruskan berusaha....aja aja ! fighting!

MyNameIsdD said...

it's gonna take a looooong time before that happens, portdy, tp takpe, semoga Allah permudahkn usaha kami hopefully everything will turn out fine kan.