Thursday, January 14, 2010

I ought to shove someone's mouth with a trout

dD :
Eh eh tahun nih aku dah 26 lah.

Someone :
Kan, sekejap aje rasa.

Ingat tak dulu time sekolah kalo cakap pasal orang umor 26, rase macam dah tua sangat dah tu kan. Tapi aku tak rasa tua lagi la.

Someone :
A'ah kan 26. Terbayang dah kawin, ade anak semua.
Tapi ko dah nak 26 satu ape pun tak ade lagi. Hi Hi Hi.
*rubbing bloated tummy*


I'll be a hermit for days and lock myself in my room, giving a deep thought on how unlucky I am to still be commitment free at 26. But at least I could still wake up as late as I want to and roll out of bed looking like maniac without fretting that the spouse would be running out of bed, out of house.



Portdy said...
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Portdy said...

tipikal ....

saya jenis yg bengkek betul ngan orang2 cam ni...

relaks Dd, takdak salah apapun kalau belum settle down...26 ke 36 ke.

ingat nak carik pasangan yg sesuai senang ke?

entah2 depa yg dah kawin awal2 tu pun tengah muka ketat
cover2 problem marriage masing2.

its not matter of cepat atau lambat, tapi tepat atau tidak.

betul tak ? betul tak? (sambil terkial2 mendodoikan si lia...)

MyNameIsdD said...

heheh. I don't mind what others say because I know that not all people are fortunate enough to be born with poise heh. Lantak pi lah depa nak kate apa kan, sebab Tuhan lebih tau :-)

btw, comelnya Lia~!!!!

HaniRose said...

what a tactless comment. i have one of those ppl at school. annoying but like you said, not everyone was born with poise and grace :)

MyNameIsdD said...

kan Hani kan... :-) kesian mereka