Monday, January 4, 2010

First Day

The first day of school went pretty ok. Got my timetable first thing in the morning and I have to teach form 1B, 1E, 2A, 2C and 3C for this year. I taught 2C and 3C last year so I already know most of them. That could be both good and bad. Good for that means I know their strengths and weaknesses. Bad because they already know me for a year and know my style of classroom management and teaching.

This is my first time teaching an exam class (PMR) so fingers and toes cross that my class would do well in their English paper during PMR.

I haven't entered the form 1s due to orientation programme. I would be the 1B classroom teacher and am all anxious to know who the students would be. I hate being a classroom teacher because there is a lot of things that you have to manage, from their studies to their problems at home. Multiply that to 40 and you'll get a headache.

But this year is gonna be somewhat easier for me I reckon. The first quarter of last year was hellish because I was made the head of rumah sukan and that was a LOT of time, energy and money consuming. So hopefully, there'll be no more needs to go to school at 7pm and go back around 6pm this year now that other teachers have been appointed to lead those 6 rumah sukan. Phew.

However, there is limited funding for schools this year around from the government. Thus I foresee even more limited resource for educational purposes and the needs to jimat jimat jimat. Let's hope that it won't demotivate the educators and affect the teaching process. Because when that happens, there is one party who would be at great loss. The students.

Tomorrow is another day at school. Berusaha!


Portdy said...

gambatte kudasai!

nurarinab said...

ye ke dd??die da kurgkn blnje utk skola yer..agaklah susah kan..nk cut byk bnda plak

MyNameIsdD said...

thanks portdy!

a'ah arina, die cut macam2, kalo dulu, bile cikgu wat extra class utk PMR / SPM die bayar rm25 sejam tp tahun nih itu pun kene cut so cikgu2 kene ngajar for free lah. Dpt upah pahala. Budget limited so yuran sekolah pun dah naik nak tampung kertas ujian / exam semua. Bil elektrik dah kene byr sndr tp ade certain bilik org2 besar still gune aircond, nak aje cakap "ehm ehm kate nk jimat lektrik, ape kate mulekan dgn blik2 ber aircond, kepimpinan kan melalui tauladan" HAH HAH HAH. Tp nnt kang seperti mencurah pasir di dalam periuk nasik sendiri ;-p