Sunday, January 3, 2010

I got the blues

Do you still remember your first day of school after a month long of break? It sucks beyond word, didn't it?

You might be eager to go back to meet your friends. Or show how handsome / pretty you've gotten over the break but were you eager to get back to homework, learning and constant pressure to perform?

I sure as hell didn't :-p

The first day of school always give me palpitation. Cold sweats. Stomach ache. Unexplainable urge to throw up. For some puzzling reasons that I still don't quite understand till now.

Maybe I am just one of those who have allergies towards anything school.

But I am now one of the fortunate people who get to teach in school.

Tomorrow is the first day of school for 2010 and yes, just like how I was 10 years back, I am now having cold feet and all those sensation that I have mentioned above.

Saya rase tak berape nak sihat lah doktor... *mate terkebil kebil memandang doktor seperti puss in boots dalam movie Shrek*

Jangan buat pasai.

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