Saturday, December 6, 2008


I just watched enchanted for the second time. Ah, what a lovely, lovely movie. And what lovely, lovely songs it has. What I love about it tho, is how you can watch the movie with 2 perception. You either watch it as a light movie, sipping in the good humour and enjoying the songs or you either think. Think about how ironic life is. And how the grass always seem to be greener on the other side. Fairy tales seem perfect, easy and blissful but I bet Cinderella also would love to date before she married her prince charming.

Prince charming, huh?

Does that even exist anymore?

Will I find him and lead that happily ever after that must be so nice and comforting or will I succumb to the pressure of the society and tie the knot (like, literally) with God knows who and live years of regret, thinking about what could have been?

IF, my Prince Charming (you know, the one who is FOR me as I am FOR him and who will go and fight the dragon off from hurting me and save me with a true love's kiss when I faint upon biting a poisonous apple) does exist, it's about time you show up with your shining armor and save me from falling deep, deep into this pit. But, if there is NO prince charming for me (maybe I don't deserve one after all *pfftt*) then I don't want all the other wannabes to cross my path and try to lend their hands for me because, excuse me mister, I am capable of saving myself.

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