Tuesday, June 29, 2010

major things off the list

Months before the wedding can be quite a challenge. There are tons of things we have to deal with and luck plays a MAJOR part.

Alhamdulillah our lucky stars seem to be working well with us and things have so far been going on great.

I was really stressed out (overwhelmed, actually) a few weeks back due to these many things that need to be settled but thank goodness, we now see a light at the end of this tunnel :-p

Last weekend made us super human for we managed to cross wedding invitation card, door gift, the hall's decoration, baju pengantin and (almost) the borang keizinan kahwin off our list. Phew!

The borang keizinan is not totally off the list because I'm still waiting for my uncle to sign my form (he's the wali) and after that, it can be submitted to the local pejabat agama to be processed :-)) It was a tedious task to get the form to be completed because you need many people's signature and you want to avoid mistakes for mistakes can lead to controversies (imam ni kawasan mana, etc nanti takut derang bertingkah) and we nearly had one if not for my ketua taman who saved us hehehehe. Cikgu Raihan, you are totally invited to our do.

I'm also super glad because the people we are dealing with for this wedding matter are very, very helpful and they made us at ease. We could stay within our budget because of these people. Rezeki :-) and I'm definitely going to blog about them and the service they offer!

Phew. and next week I'm planning on buying a few items for the hantaran. Semoga dapat beli barang mantap pada harga yang wow dan menjamin kepuasan suami saya bila dia pakai after kahwin nanti!!


Wahidah said...

wow..mesti penat n bz ke sana sini kan..btw.brp hb majlis ko?

MyNameIsdD said...

17 - nikah.
18 - majlis. bulan berape ko tau kan. hee.

hrblythe said...

cik didi, kalau perlukan bantuan sile ckp ye :)

MyNameIsdD said...

tima kasih cik hanirose :-)

Wahidah said...
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MyNameIsdD said...

hehe wedot, I had to delete your comment sebab ade tulis bulannye. I don't want to share the exact details with ntah sapa sapa in this world wide web.You never know what's in these people's heart kan.