Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hit me baby one more time

Aside from teenagers, I think I’m allergic to babies. Or rather, they are allergic to me.

It would be OK if I just stare at them. No physical contact. But once that contact is made, they would start crying for no apparent reason! It’s mind boggling!

Do I smell bad? Nah, I’m pretty sure I smell decent.
Am I holding you incorrectly? Nah, the momsters all are giving me the OK look.

Then what is so wrong with me that the babies just had to cry?

Do I exude that much loathing? (errmm, I might, I can be quite an ice princess :-D)

Ah, so that was what it’s all about. I shall now hold babies with warmth and happiness. I shall only think of how a bundle of joy you are to the whole household. Although you can be quite costly and cause people of sleep deprivation, never mind, I shall make peace with you.

But to think of how such a small person can cause so much pain to the person giving birth to you…

And how you are so tiny yet you can produce something that emit such unpleasant smell..

And how you always cry and cry and drive the new mommies up against the wall..

Wow. I have total respect to you babies.

Now, please don’t cry when I hold you or I swear to God as soon as you can understand what a deathly stare is I’m gonna give it to you until you shiver right down to your spine.

Uhm. Is there anybody out there who wants to make me their babies’ godmother?

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