Monday, May 17, 2010

G & B.

I have always been a bit drawn to reality tv shows. I'm a sucker for them. It started with Survivor (the first season which was filmed in Pulau Tiga) and followed by The Amazing Race and America's Next Top Model. I used to not be able to resist watching Survivor. It was aired on NTV7 and I was one of the loyal followers!

But as I age I found myself slowly growing sick of TV shows.

I can't sit still in front of TV for a very long time. I have sadly, become one of those orang tua who can't seem to fathom what there is to enjoy in front of the telly. I can tolerate watching shows on my laptop screen but not the television.

There is however, a TV show that I could manage to enjoy from the start until the end of it without running back and forth from the hall to my room (to surf the internet, of course - I'm not so old after all :-D) and yes it's a reality TV show.

It's Giuliana and Bill on channel E!.

I have always liked Giuliana. She oozes confidence with just the right amount of attractiveness, aggressiveness as well as homour. To top it of, English is not her mother tongue yet she managed to master it well (heard that she improved her English through watching the news on telly) and it's so endearing to hear her speaking in Italian with her mother in some of the episodes of the show.

Bill is well, Bill. The winner of the famous The Apprentice and he is not a bad looking chap too. He seems to have the "Let's get to business" attitude and duh, what do you expect from a dude who won a show about an enterprising skill.

Both of them seem to be an odd union but it works.

There are obviously some disagreements but I reckon all married couples would encounter that.

You know the feeling of watching a couple that shows a bit too much of PDA (and in case you don't know this stands for Public Display of Affection) which sometimes make you want to puke? I don't get the sensation to puke each time I watch this show. I root for them because they are so not annoying when they are together. They display the right amount of PDA-ness and they appear to be a great team. They are even cute to be seen together :-) Bill always teases Giuliana and she always repels but you can see that they are madly in love with each other.

And I would spend my weekend watching reruns on them each time I noticed they are being aired on E! when I'm back home.

Guess I'm not so old, after all.


nurarinab said...

me like too!!! :)sgt sempoi diorg tu

MyNameIsdD said...

kan... hehehe dan mereka sgt HOT together! *kagum*