Tuesday, May 10, 2011

the second GSC in Melaka, whee!

Both my husband and I are seasonal movie lovers. Heheh. We try to catch the latest hit movies although there had been a couple of times where we missed some good ones and had to resort to buying the dvd. But nothing beats the huge screen and awesome sound system, no?

3D, 2D, you name it, we watched it.

However, I kinda loathe the idea of going to Dataran Pahlawan in Melaka to catch a movie when we are in our hometown. The traffic there is mad especially on the weekends!

There are also BIG cinema in Mahkota as well as MBO in Melaka Mall but nothing beats GSC.

So that's why I was pretty psyched when I found out that another GSC is opening soon in AEON Melaka, which is my most favourite shopping mall in Melaka, given that it has almost all that I need. Hehe.

After much waiting and anticipation, I found out that it will be opening (officially) come May 19th, 2011. Just in time for the latest Pirates of the Carribean movie :-)

I also found out that they are having free screening of these movies from 14th to 18th May:

"Gulliver's Travel" (PG 13), "RIO" (3D), "I Am Number Four" (PG13), "The Tourist" (PG13), "Green Hornet" (PG13), "World Invasion: Battle Los Angeles" (PG13), "Beastly" (PG13), "Cun" (Malay), "Hantu Kak Limah" (Malay), "Khurafat" (Malay)(PG13), "Enthiran" (Tamil) (PG13), "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" (Chi), "I love Hong Kong" (Chi) and "Great Day" (Chi).

But in order to catch these free screenings, we would need to cut out or print out the coupons and it is on first-come-first-served basis so hurry if you want to be a part of this. I'm thinking of going. Maybe. :-)

You can check this out : here

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