Monday, November 15, 2010

better :-)

You can refer to my previous post about the not-so-great- news. Masih lagik ade perasaan sedih...muke pun sugul aje though I had embraced the fact that my application was rejected and there's a possibility of us living apart for an indefinite period of time.

I am currently at home sebab besok and rabu cuti. Rabu nih Aidiladha, sekolah amek cuti peristiwa on Tuesday. Dapat la 2 hari cuti :-)

Both of my mom and bro paham that I am sad..

Tetibe air mate mengalir kan, mesti rase serba salah nak cakap cemane dengan budak yang tengah besedih ni hehe. Tengok tibi pun kenkadang air mate mengalir :-p

They went out earlier for dinner. Pesan tapaukan food aje sebab tak semangat nak keluar.

They went back with KFC hehe and the stuff to make waffle. Kat umah mama ade tempat wat waffle, tadi da cakap kat my brother suh tlg watkan waffle tapi bahan2 takado. Jap lagik buleh la makan nih :-) Hmm tak buleh sedih sedih dah kan. Nanti semua orang susah hati. Masih buleh try lagik dengan rayuan. Cube dulu :-)


nurarinab said...

bersabar k didi..buat rayuan n jgn brhenti brhrp k.adalah hikmahnya tu..Insyallah ade rezkinye tu..

MyNameIsdD said...

baiklah, tenkiu arina! :-)