Sunday, November 14, 2010


The picture speaks a thousand words. I was beyond frustrated. Was. After a sobbing sessions that lasted for hours and indulging in self pity, I bounced back to reality. I am not the kind of person who likes to talk much on a subject that disappoints me but I know that some of you are wondering whether my application is successful so here's an entry dedicated to you lot who I know are concern about my husband and I. Thank you. Mine was rejected but there's still hope. We would proceed with rayuan and we'll see how it goes. There are several alternatives we are considering and we're trying to weight the best one. We'll see.

Jadi kepade mereka yang ingat senang betul nak pindah sekolah, you are wrong. Walaupun dalam Malaysia nih berlambak lambak sekolah, there's also another contributing factor. The subject you are teaching. I just came to know that there is currently no vacancy for English teachers in KL so that is probably why my application was rejected. Ade surat doktor menunjukkan suami saket pun tak dapat jugak. Dari segi tu aku rase kecewa sket. Bukan kecewa sebab aku masih stuck in BP because I have grown to like this place and I think it's OK so as the kids tapi aku kecewa sebab I was really hoping that I could take care of my husband and watch his health.


Wahidah said...

sbr la diyana ..proceed ngan rayuan k

MyNameIsdD said...

thanks wedah..