Wednesday, September 22, 2010

sama sama

I have been married for a few days now. Alhamdulillah our majlis went well. Friends and relatives came from near and far to share our happiness :-) I'll upload more pictures later when the internet is more reliable and when I have the time to do so.

We are currently in an LDM, which stands for a long distance marriage, which hinders us from spending loads of time together, having a good time with each other.

One of the things that I miss the most is performing the prayer with him leading me. There's a sense of utter serenity when we pray together and when I follow his lead. It makes me feel that I can depend on him, I can trust him to lead me and I'll be fine when I'm with him. I crave for that feeling again.

I'll see him this Friday.
If God wills it, I can let him to lead me again.
Dan saya akan cium tangan suami saya selepas doa.
Dan hati kami akan berbunga bunga.

Doakan kami bahagia, sihat sejahtera, dimurahkan rezeki dan dikurniakan zuriat yang sihat serta bijaksana (as soon as possible ;-P) Terima kasih daun keladi! :-)


Portdy said...

congratulation dd,

love is all around !

nurarinab said...

Insyallah..doa yg terbaek n kn slalu brtolak ansur ;)

Wahidah said...

congratz diyana.

aku doakam ko dpt pidnah cepat2..
sian die ye dok jauh2..:)

MyNameIsdD said...

thank u portdy, arina and wedot! :-)semoga tuhan makbulkan doa doa itu semua. AMIN!