Friday, August 27, 2010

3 jumaat lagi

2 jumaat lagi and we'll be celebrating Aidilfitri.

3 Jumaat lagi and I'll be somebody's wife.


Here's a conversation between me and ermm me (heheh).

dD2 : Cik, boleh saye menebual cik?

dD : Oh pasti. Saya rase glemer bila ditemubual.

dD2 : Apekah perasaan nye apabila semakin hampir dengan hari bahagia?

dD : Rasanya seperti makan cokelat yang mahal, sedap dan begitu nikmat.

dD2 : Oh bukan, maksud saye your feeling lah (sengal!)

dD : Oh sori sori, saye blur skejap tadi. Almaklumlah, tengah pikir pasal macam macam benda kan. Hmm cemane nak eksplen ye. Perasaan saye nih macam bercampur baur gitu. I feel excited most of the time. At times, however, I do feel nervous and anxious which is because I have no power of knowing how the majlis will turn out, will it be perfect, will everything be going on smoothly, will I be able to finish preparing everything on time and will I actually forget to do anything important? *gigit gigit jari*

dD2 : Tolong jangan gigit jari anda. Cik dah besar ye, tak comel dah buat cemtuh. *cough cough* Bagaimana dengan persiapan cik so far?

dD : (ngko nih tanye gini nak buat aku nerbes ke ape) hmm dah siap la ape yg perlu disiapkan awal2 tuh. Tapi dulang hantaran masih dalam progress. Time cuti nak raye nih baru la pulun siapkan. Wat sndri aje okeh. Berpeluh la perah idea cube nak jadik kreatip nanti. Kalau huduh jangan gelak. Kecik ati.

dD2 : Lepas kawin nanti cemane pulak perancangan anda berdua? Kat mane nak tinggal nnt?

dD : Oh this has never been an issue between us. I want to be where he is and I'll apply for a transfer :-)

dD2 : (eh eh senyum melebar pulak pempuan nih teringt kat tunang dia) And any plans about kids?

dD : Oleh sebab dah berumahtangga mestila secare natural nya saye nak anak anak as soon as possible. Semoga adelah rezeki kami, tak gitu.

dD2 : Ye, gitu. Dan apekah nanti akan ade sebarang perubahan imej selepas bergelar seorang isteri? haaa.

dD : Pandai ngko tanye soklan bonus yeh. Heh heh. For me, a marriage is like a turning point. I want to see come changes, both mentally and physically. And by saying physically, I hope I won't be expanding horizontally though. I would don a more proper outfit. I'm not getting any younger, I had my fun and it's time to focus on the hereafter :-) I'll try to speak less or probably none of hurtful things, I'll try to act more responsibly and have more patience. I'll try.

dD2 : Whoa, that's a lot of things to be done!

dD : I know. Duh.

dD2 : Any wishes or secret hopes?

dD : If I tell you, it won't be much of a secret anymore la dey. Heh. Hmm. I do strongly hope that I would be able to see as many familiar faces as I could on our wedding day. I hope everyone would be happy and wish us well :-)

dD2 : :-) Things will go well, don't worry too much! OK I'm having the urge to go to the toilet. Cannot tahan. Gonna have to wrap this up. Mwahs mwahs. Much love!

dD : Thanks sweetie! (sambil melambai lambai kepade perempuan yang tergesa gesa ke toilet dalam keadaan gopoh gapah)


SuperGirl said...

bengong! hahahahaha!

MyNameIsdD said...

kombinasi lapo + haus + cemas :-P