Wednesday, March 10, 2010

mana kit kat, i need.

Asyik baca artikel kata orang kalau stress suka makan untuk menghilangkan stress dan itu penyumbang obesiti. Rasa macam dah terpengaruh. Bukan jadik takut nak makan, tapi jadi sebaliknya. Tengah stress pulak la rasa nak sumbat mulut dengan semua makanan available in the house. Maggi pun nampak mengancam. My justification to myself : "Ala ni normal ni semua orang pun cemtuh, kan ada dalam magazine tulis begitu" Haihh!

Stress dan tertekan sampai boleh drive people to make illogical decision that they might regret later on. So as an adult that I am (menerima kenyataan, I'm getting closer to the 30's) I must stop. Think. Rethink. And calm my freaking out self.

I had taken so many drastic steps before that at times I just wish I had not. How different life would be had I not done a few things.

But, I had.

As I have made the bed, I must lay on it.

Breathe in, breathe out. Memang rasa super frustrating and I just wish I could put a stop to everything and be at a different place in my life, going through different thing. I am tempted to give everything up when my heart is in chaos and I felt like there's no escape.

I need a kit kat.
Where can I find a kit kat at this time of the night?

I can find it in God.
Things happened for a reason, I have made the decision before and I must face the consequences . I have no way of knowing how it's going to turn out but in God I trust.

I just wish I hadn't taken the first bite of the forbidden fruit.

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