Monday, March 15, 2010

meh main teka teka perkataan

12.30 pm.
Cuaca panas.
Peluh peluh.

Tanda buku.
Tanda. Tanda. Tanda.
Stop kejap.

"Please cikuayit"

Hoh, ape jadah la pulak nye nih? *sambil letak pen kat mulut - gaya intelek*

Reread the whole thing, baru lah paham.

Rules in the library :

1. Read books.
2. Please cikuayit.

These are done during the induction set before they had to write a talk about rules and regulations in a community hall. I introduced them to rules and regulations in some public places and most of them came up with similar things.

He meant to write :

"Please keep quiet" :-D

ada lah sikit tuh bunyiknya..hehehe.

1 comment:

portdy said...

cikuayit? hehehehe at least dah cuba tuuuuu....