Monday, September 14, 2009

kerepek hunting

My mom loves kerepek. She likes to munch on it while watching telly. I enjoy that too, but not too much because it always leave me with uncomfortable feeling in my mouth. My teeth would feel itchy. Saya pun xtau la kenape gigi rase gatal. Bukan gusi yeh, tapi gigi.

As raya is just around the corner, the preparation for raya is fast catching up on us. The uber important thing to be prepared is the food. Kuih, kerepek, rendang and the likes. Bought some kuih raya for my family. Rendang would be prepared on raya's eve. Kerepek? Well, I just went kerepek hunting earlier today.

I have been pestering this colleague of mine since the beginning of Ramadhan to tell me when she's going to buy kerepek for raya. She knows this one place where they make and sell wicked kerepek ubi pedas, my mom's ultimate favourite kerepek.

"Akak, kalo nak pergi jangan lupe bagitau saye yek, saye nak borong kerepek macam2 nih"

Finally, the time has come.

"dD, petang nih lepas sekolah, ok?"

The mission of kerepek hunting thus begun at about 3pm. The journey took about 20 minutes from my school and we had to go through this route that I never knew existed before :P Upon reaching this place, wahh gayatnya saya.. This is the first time I ever set my foot on kerepek's factory. Panas oh, no air conditioner there, only good ol' fan.

I wanted to take pictures but the camera on my phone can't be used anymore since 2-3 months ago. It probably has been infected with Barney's phone disease. Handphone dia pun macam itu jugak kamera tuh. Tapi sekarang da buleh guna sometimes, tinggal kamera phone den yo yang tak boto2. Ha..kan da terckap style org Alor Gajah.

There were like 8 machines that look almost like the ones people use to mix cement for contsruction work. Semua mesin nih adalah untuk sira kerepek pedas tuh la. Beratur nak tunggu macik nih masukkan kerepek pedas dlm plastik. Semalam lagik truk, akak yg saye ikut nih cakap, sampai habes kerepek pedas tuh orang2 dok datang pakat beli.

While waiting for the kerepek to cool off (it can't be sealed while it's still warm. Nanti lemau), I scouted for other kerepeks. Bakul yang besar gedabak tuh habes penuh dgn kerepek segala macam. Tangan nih gatal aje rase nak amek semua. Dalam kepala da terbayang sambil tgk tb time raye, buleh kunyah2. Dalam hati pulak, ishh murah nih kalo tak amek kang nyesal kang air liur meleleh aje teringat2.

The hunt for kerepek ubi pedas was so challenging, some people even willing to steal other's treasures! haha. Akak tuh punya kerepek kene rembat 2 bungkus yang die da letak dlm bakul dia. Ye lah, xkan nk dok tercangak kat tepi bakul besar tuh kan, might as well look at all sorts of kerepeks dlm kedai tuh sementara kerepek ubi pedas tuh sejuk skit. Skali bile pegi kat bakul kami, akak tuh ckp "Di....akak punye ilang due" haish, kesian akak nih. Tak pasal2 kene pegi belakang kedai tuh lagik nk amek 2 bungkus kerepek baru. Adoyai.

After we sealed the kerepek ubi pedas, it's time to pay our purchase. Mate nih da jeling2 kerepek dlm bakul yang menggunung tuh. Dalam hati, nak letakkan balik sket ke xnak ek? But my heart told my mind no and off I went to the cashier.

Hamek ko, RM 73 aku beli kerepek. hahaha. Ade sen2 tuh aku kate kat adik tuh xpayah la. Mintak RM 70 tak dpt tadi...cis.

Just had my kerepek pedas tadi. Memule nak rase, sekali tgk da tinggal separuh paket aku pekena :P Tapi papepun sgtla lega, kerepek is off the list. Tinggal nk wat kek asam manis saje lagik before balik umah atok nenek kt JB. Kerepek yang ade nih pun bukanla nk wat makan sorang, gile hape haha, nih nak bagi2 sedara and oso boipren saye lah. hehehhehe. Buleh family die makan2 and die pun leh bwk kt opis nnt bagik kawan2 die mamam after raye kan.


Portdy said...

tahun ni kitaorang banyak buat sendiri jek kuih, back to the good old days,

Dd, bg kerepek buatan sendiri kat boyfriend le baru lah afdhal gitu....hehehe

MyNameIsdD said...

portdy, yang buat sndr ade jugak, dah bagik da pun kat dia hehe kene la bgik die rase air tgn saye kan baru syg lebih ;p tp bukan kerepek la, hehehe, kerepek nih leave it to the pro (the makciks) hehe.