Monday, July 20, 2009

what the heart wants right towards pay day

The few days before pay day is almost always the hardest. There are times when there were very few notes in the wallet. And it has to be during these times that the heart wants heaps and heaps of stuff! As if to try my patience and endurance, this would be the time when the craving of eating all types of yummy-licious food hits me. And it has to be during this time that my hand itches so bad to shop, shop, shop. This is the time when I think I need a new shower foam that smells really good and would be able to put me in a really good mood before I go to work. And it's during times like these that I realise I need a new pair of shoes and some new apparel to have fun with! Geez, there's no worse time to be so materialistic. But, is it still materialistic when I came to realisation that I need (some) new red pen so that I could mark the students' works more, urm, efficiently?

Oh god, brace my heart to face this few more days. Sure, plastic is an easy way out but I don't want to be scratching my head when I get the bill at the end of the month!


Wahidah said...

wah gaji dahm asyuk..nak mkn nandos free laa

Portdy said...

beware of the temptations , huhuhuhuhu

MyNameIsdD said...

wedah, gaji aku blum masuk sobsss lagik a few days, mmg wah menahan godaan bagai nak dpt gaji nih hahah

portdy, thanks hehe. sy tgh meng-fighting sume godaan nih dgn cekalnye! :P