Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I'm shouting on top of my lung asking for the holidays to come FAST!

If there is a way on how to make the days go by faster, I would be willing to pay RM 10 for it (oh gaji masuk lambat lagik, so mane buleh spend lavishly). I am, honestly, quite frankly, am sick of waking up for rows of several days (and this includes my precious weekends - last week had to be the scorer for softball mssj on both saturday & sunday. oh yay.) and go to a place where I am doomed to carry out the work that has been a routine it is fast becoming stale. My heart is rapidly becoming bitter and I constantly found myself cursing under my breath when my classroom management didn't work its magic. Or when it came to my realisation that the typical lesson works better (in terms of keeping the students behaved because they would be busy copying down the notes aways or they'll be late for recess/go back home) than those fun lessons that I tried to organize for them. It certainly doesn't help either when the body seems not to be willing to cooperate with me and works at its perks. I have been bitten by the fever bug so I am now feverish. Somewhat.

This weekend won't be nice and easy too. There would be another (effing) LDP (Latihan Dalam Perkhidmatan - it's like a kursus for us teachers, that is held in our school. Minimum 0f 6/8 in a year) on Saturday. I would still be going back home tho on Saturday. The most days of being in BP without losing my sanity is 14 days. That much, I have discovered. And I still have that mountain of question papers to be stapled together. Hundreds of them and I know just who would be the victim *coughs* I meant, helper. My 16-year-old just-coming-of-age brother.

I just can't wait for next Friday to come. Go back, say goodbye sucker *slaps self* students for I won't be seeing you for 2 weeks (distance makes the heart goes fonder) and have a rejuvenating holiday. I won't be going anywhere fancy unlike last year's mid year break but this time around it would still be fun nonetheless, with anticipated rendezvous with friends and dates with my goldfish. I want, I want, I want! So I'm shouting on top of my lung, May 29, please come fast.!


Portdy said...

...jaded eh?
memang nak kena holiday, recharge..
tak pe, pejam celik jap lagi cuti sekolah...

"I'm on my way
Just set me free
Home Sweet Home"

Home Sweet Home - Motley Crue.

SuperGirl said...

go away
come again another day.

day day
come here fast and
please... please.... STAY!!!

MyNameIsdD said...

portdy : one more week to go, whee! cannot wait :)

mocha : hahah exactly! kalo aku tau men gitar aku da nyanyi cemtuh pastuh uplot kt utube :P

Portdy said...


talkin about recharge, ni baru je balik dari dreambox melaka ...hehehehe jangan jeles cikgu!