My name is Marley. This is a confession of a teddy bear.
I shall never forget the date I was united with my master. It was September 12, 2008. I knew we would click right away. I knew she would treat me right and love me with all of her heart. I promised myself that I would love her right back. I vowed to always, always be there for her at all times. I wanted to be the one who comfort her when she is sad, I wanted to be the one who she seeks for when she's feeling down and I wanted to share her happiness too.
As time goes by, I have seen her in both happy and sad times. I swear to God, there were many times where I wish I could say out loud that it's OK to cry and I would love her always and even when she cries, I still adores her and loves her the most.
I've seen her at her worst too. When she woke up and her hair seemed to be in a mess. When she got her measles and her face was swollen (I didn't dare to laugh though. kene lah jaga hati.) And well, couple of other times too that I shall not mention in case that would drive her mad and she would rub minyak cap kapak on my face.
I love it when she hugs me everytime she wants to fall asleep. And what flattered me the most was that, out of all teddies that she has (she has quite a lot! and there's this one teddy that is as big as me and we always fought for her attention but that's another story), she chose me! She brought me with her when she had to go away from home and started working. She brings me home with her too, almost every weekend. And when she does, she always, always make sure that my seatbelt is fasten securely. If that is not love, I don't know what that is :)
But there is something that has been bothering me lately. It has been two nights in a row where she woke up from her sleep in the middle of the night. I think she had nightmares. I don't know what they are about becuz she refused to talk about them with me. I just hope that it won't happen again tonight because there's nothing I like more than to watch her in her deep sleep. Untouched, and so in peace until her alarm goes on where she will snooze it for a couple of times before she finally wakes up. And then she will go to work and I would be left alone for hours. But hey, it's not too bad really because then I get to go online. I'm a tech-savvy teddy. And you know what, I think that is all for now. I'm gonna google sleep and see what I can do to ensure that she would have a really good, quality, uninterrupted sleep tonight.
Tata! :)