Wednesday, February 25, 2009

'tis the season to be sick?

The weather gets pretty crazy nowadays. At times, it is scorching hot. Sometimes, it's ridiculously wet. And they are interchangeable. There are a couple of times where one moment when I was driving, it was raining and about 500m after that, I am in the middle of a desert. Dry as one. No wonder my body finally succumbed to the craziness of it.

I started to feel a little under the weather since Sunday's nite. It was raining, I was driving and the air cond was on. Upon reaching my destination, I felt the tip of my nose getting cold and I sorta had that deep voice (of which, I totally adore hehe becuz I reckon it sounds smexiii :P).

Monday came and I kept sneezing throughout the day. It doesn't help neither that I had to project my voice loudly (shouting lah tu heh) in the classroom when the kids get a little too mischievous. I got that cold sweats and that annoying sensation in my head (drowsiness). If I were a battery, I would have been red and in an urgent need of a recharge.

Although I always like to think that I'm superhuman inside, I'm afraid I am not, after all. I woke up around 6.15 am as usual on Tuesday morning, took my super speedy shower and the whatnot. And as I was about to put on the outfit for work, I sorta listened to my body saying to me, "Stop. You need a rest. You'll get worse if you don't". And so I obeyed.

I had a good 2 hrs (or so) of sleep before I went to the clinic. The waiting was looong and I felt so alone :( I don't like going to places such as this alone. I wanted my mom. I felt so grown up having to go to a clinic alone. I felt old.

I had the MC from the guy who was in charge and who was, btw, totally friendly. Very friendly, too bad I was not in the mood for talking to strangers that it got somewhat annoying to me. But because I wanted that MC, I had to be friendly too. Urgh.

Spent most of the day after the visit to the clinic getting my well deserved rest. A colleague txted me that maybe it was the post-sports' day fatigue that had caught up with me. But it had been days. I don't know. Maybe it's the combination of that, and the weather too.

Whatever the cause might be, I'm just glad that I'm feeling better now. I drank lots of fluid and kept myself warm. And I made sure I got my rest. Consumed lots of vitamin C and I avoided cold drink as well as oily food. Pretty well-disciplined, huh? Had to. Because when you are teaching in a classroom, the kids won't care if you are sick or otherwise. OK, there might be a few who would behave better than they normally do but the rest of them, well, kids will be kids. So that's why I gotta make sure that my energy would go right back up on Wednesday.

And when I was back at school this morning, everything went back to normal. Except for the occasional sneezes :P And oh, the voice projection got a wee bit weaker than usual but still, there's still some fierceness to it :D And I got back from school around 5pm *sigh*. Says who being a teacher means getting back early from work? Aiyoh~ (OK, maybe later I can go back a tad early and I can't wait for that moment to come!)

Stay healthy, peeps. And this goes out to this one person who was healthy when I was sick, but am now not really feeling good. Get well soon and please lah don't get sick :( I'm taking back all the kuman from you (and spreading it to other people!).


Wahidah said...

get well soon ....take care

MyNameIsdD said...

thank u wedah daling :)