Monday, March 9, 2009

advice from the elderly

I'm gonna be 25 in a couple of weeks so I guess that kinda makes me an elderly. Oh I'm a wee bit depressed thinking about how I'm gonna be halfway to 30. A very big number that when I was a kid, I thought a 30-year-old sounds ancient. Of course, I don't think like that anymore. Not even close. Jennifer Aniston is 40 and she's smokin hot. It's not impossible, y'all :P

One could slather all sorts of creams and lotions that one could find, on their skin but it's not the sole warranty of fighting the age.

One also need to care about the inside of one's body. It's just like caring for a car. You wash its outer surface as well as sending it to the workshop for scheduled services and such.

We can't really send our bodies to the workshop. But we can, however, start with something as simple as having sufficient sleep. New research shows that people who get at least 7 hours a night and get restful sleep are less susceptible to colds. Sleep really is important for your body and helps boost your immune system. This is what I read from the online articles (Yes, as I get older, my readings now includes health's stuff too :P)

I suppose most of us adults know the importance of sleep but how many of us actually have enough sleep night after night?

We get tight up with work, programmes on the telly and even catching up sessions with friends that we often neglect the importance of sufficient sleep. We get older and so do our bodies. They won't function as efficiently as we were younger. Going to bed early when we are 55 and above would probably be a tad too late, some of our systems might have gone haywire by then.

So, what are you waiting for? The clock is ticking and the blanket is waiting for you to envelope it all over your body. If you are reading this past midnight, I think it's time to go to bed, baby :)


Wahidah said...

elderly tu bole includes aku tak..huhuhu...seram kan dgr dh nak 25th...being mcm dh tua...but no matter what pun lagi older lg wiser kay..hehehe

MyNameIsdD said...

hehee, okie la prinsip ko the older the wiser. prinsip aku plak, the older, the hotter. hehehe :P

Anonymous said...

your heart picture never change keep it just as like that.....

Wahidah said...

hotter?? hehehe...good