Monday, September 8, 2008


Is it really that impossible to befriend the opposite sex sans the emotional feelings that often leaves people caught up on a ride of the emotional roller coaster?
I’m sure there are many views about the above matter.
But I suppose it all comes down to one thing. Sincerity. If one is sincere about the friendship, there should be no (or at least few) dilemmas. Those dilemmas that could arise and dampen the friendship.
For me, I feel that I am blessed with friends who bring the colours to my life. They are of the same as well as the opposite sex of me.
There are friends who make you feel like you are their little sister (and sometimes like their daughter, too!). The way they protect you against the elements that could bring sadness to your life. And also the way they give you advices (that sometimes sting and feel like a slap to the face! LOL). But despite the (stingy) *ha ha* advices, they turn out to be one of the BEST cook. It felt heavenly to taste and I miss your (exotic hee) dishes, Big Daddy F. And also how you believe and stand for your beloved lil sisters. You make me wish I am your real daughter / little sister
There are also friends who would go all the way to make you feel better. Who would call you to make sure that you are OK, because the sound of you crying is apparently NOT the most attractive sound in the world ;p And who would literally BE there for you when it is possible. You’ll always be my darling (I know you will read this piece of entry someday! ).
Similarly, there are also friends who would call you right back when they missed your call. When all I wanted was just to hear a familiar voice, we ended up chatting away for hours. And boy, it must be something about being a male because there is always, always good insight or solutions that I could get from these calls. They could be fun and insightful at the same time and this flexibility is what I find most interesting.
There are also friends who you are yet to meet in person but they become one of the prominent persons in your life, regardless. It’s just the simple little chat that could uplift your mood from zero to almost a superhero like. And I thought it’s wonderful on how someone who have never even meet me could become one of my great backbone, who root for me to continue updating my blog. (You study well for your exams ok, doc?)
There are more that I should write about.
Each and everyone holds a special place in my heart and all of you deserve an individual shoutout . But this is just a snippet, that I’d like to share with all of you. On how it is NOT impossible for girls and guys to be just friends. The key thing is to be sincere. It could make or break any relationship, for that matter. And to be someone of importance (regardless of how prominent it is or not), I feel lucky to be stamped in the heart of these hunks (cehwah~!) even though I might have no place at all in the heart of someone who I really wish be ruled with my name.

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