Thursday, August 7, 2008


Two Davids in a finale is not an annual event. Many were rather anxious to know which David rules the hearts of viewers of American Idol 6. And as we all came to know, it was David Cook. I prefer Cook over Archuleta too, and when he did the cover of Mariah’s “Always be my baby”, I felt like flying to the moon and his image (while singing that song) stuck in my head for days.

I don’t really dig his winning song though, which in my opinion is somewhat… mundane. He deserves better. So it was interesting to see if the 1st runner up of AI 6 gets a better single. I listened to it for the first time on the radio. There’s this song challenge thingy where listeners could vote which (of two new songs) that they wanna hear. It has been Paramore’s “That’s what you get” for several nights in a row but their winning streak ended just now. Guess the girls must’ve been thrilled to be serenaded Archuleta.

My first reaction upon listening to his song was, well, it’s not bad. A sweet (a bit cheesy though ;p) song which I’m sure will make most girls go aaaawww J because we are creatures that have high appreciation towards romance! The fact that Archuleta sings it will make it be played on the radio for quite some time I suppose. I can just imagine how oh so sweet his face gonna be as he sings this song! Plenty of girls out there must be wishing that this song is dedicated to them (it’s about a crush that this boy has towards this girl, -ahh~ teenage years, how sweet. Try years later down the road, that boy must be really freak out for a commitment). Hurm, think I might just gonna let myself fall to sleep listening to Archuleta serenading to me any nights from now!

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