Wednesday, June 6, 2012

graduated. off to the next stage.

internet's back on after about 3 weeks of deprivation. heheh.

The email from a baby-stuff website (excuse me, pregnancy brain, can't recall the exact name of the website) reminded me that last week I have graduated from the first trimester. huge relief!

People been saying that pregnancy experience differs from one person to another but so far, weirdly, mine is as exactly as described on the internet. But I suppose that's great because I know what's going on and why :)

Thank goodness, the second trimester has been really good to me.

I am not as exhausted as before. Previously, it's like my battery was flat. Most of the time. I'm lucky enough that I only need to go to work at about 1130ish AM everyday (I'm teaching the afternoon session kids) so I got to sleep and recharged my battery before I'm off to work. After a half day battle at school it's usually nap time by 1030 PM. I didn't even prepare the meals anymore. I couldn't stand the smell of just about everything. A very, very challenging phase. The exhaustion, I read somewhere, is caused by the body trying to build a new organ which is the placenta.

Now, I am happy to report that I am okay with cooking. The smell isn't so so bad anymore and the exhaustion is more tolerable. The pain in my well, lower part of the abdomen, has also subsided. (The pain is because the uterus is getting bigger). Oh but I am still on chicken-free diet. Although a few nights ago I had a very strange dream about ayam percik practically dancing in front of me. Huh.

The latest sonogram scan I did managed to put a very wide smile on my face. I could see the baby kicking and throwing punches. I haven't met this baby yet but every single day, I'm full of love for this tiny one :) Guess my maternal instinct is starting to kick in. Good :) But I can't deny that there are definitely days where I have doubts. Particularly on whether I would succeed in being the best mom for this baby. It's a huge responsibility that I pray everyday I would be ably to carry out.

There are also times where I've started to think about the day. You know, when I shall have to push him/her out of my urm down south part? Hopefully that will work out fine for the baby and I.

I still have many more months to read/do research about parenting, giving birth etc so I'm going to enjoy this ride as best as I could.

Alhamdulillah for this opportunity to be able to experience pregnancy. Thank you Allah.

1 comment:

nurarinab said...

Can't wait to see d lil one!Insyallah bole.trserlah di wjh didi akn jd ibu yg penyayang :) slalu2 cakap dgn baby k didi.Arina dulu slalu pesan dgn dia cari jln keluar, n Alhamdulillah senang nk brsalinkn dia pastu pesan kat dia kalau da keluar nnt kn behave sbb arina study so die kn faham n Alhamdulillah jgk senang jg Rania until now :)