Sunday, April 15, 2012

minggu 8

Alhamdulillah. Diam tak diam, dah nak 8 minggu inshaAllah. Setakat nih masih tak kuasa nak announce kat facebook kecuali bagi PM kat kawan kawan terdekat saje. Maybe bila perut dah memboyot (although sekarang pun sudah bonc tapi I blame it on the lemaks hehehehe bukan baby bump, ini lemak bump. naaaais) barulah upload gambar kat fesbuk, bagi memenuhi permintaan peminat (eh?).

memang sungguhlah everyday is a new day. Ayam, which used to be my favourite main dish is now no longer a favourite of mine. In fact, I can't even stand the sight of it. Let alone the smell. Ayam goreng is like my number one enemy. So far. And it's so weird to think of how I have no control over it. I honestly used to like ayam. And now, I'd rather eat nasik with only sayur should there be ayam.

My appetite has been quite poor lately and it has ahem helped me to reduce weight, actually. Wallaweyh~ But there's been no throwing up though except on several occasions previously that were triggered by 1) phlegm 2) brushing the teeth. I do, however, feel nauseous every now and then. And right now, as I'm typing this entry, my mind keeps on wandering off about ayam and it's making me feel... queasy. Haha. Kurang ajar sungguh ayam goreng itu.

I also get tired easily. Sometimes, words can't describe how tired I'm feeling especially right after going up and down the stairs and getting into a love-hate relationship with the kids. Heh.

And I loooove fruits these days! They taste so good. So refreshing.

I hope things will go smoothly for us. There are definitely times where I can't help but to be remembered of those sad stories that I read on the internet and freaked out. InshaAllah, inshaAllah things will be fine for us. Positivity all the way, babe!

And so far, I feel so thankful. Although my body is behaving all weird, I'm not complaining. It has always been a dream for us to have our very own 'mini me' and to complain about these little stuff would be so, so wrong.

Pray for us! :)

1 comment:

~M i z a ~ said...

wah! kak didi,s0o happy for you!
tahniah2! :)