Sunday, September 18, 2011

Forgetful dD

I encountered a number of articles that being forgetful is one of the signs of aging.

I am getting so forgetful these days it is annoying. I forgot some crucial ingredients when I'm cooking, sometimes I skipped a step or two. I am, however, lucky that my husband is a walking evidence of a really patient guy who can tolerate rubbish-meal-prepared-by-the-wife. I hope he doesn't go around telling his colleagues of the stories on how his wife ruined the meal(s) though. Gulp.

I forget where I put my stuff.
I forget the name of my students.
At times, I even forget the names of my colleagues and it isn't a joy to speak to a person whose name you are unable to recall as you are talking.
This condition worsen as I also often find myself to forget what I intended to say and would mumbled utter rubbish so that's why I now speak slowly because I need to string my sentences in my head before they come out of my mouth. However, that would only happen if I remember to do so. Sigh.

I wonder what are the contributing factors. I could only think of one. Aging. My biological age is 27 but probably my mental age (is there such thing?) is 40ish.

I would like to end this post by saying that I would religiously chew on food that could help boosting one's memory.

Urm but I forgot to buy them.

1 comment:

Wahidah said...

bile nk lepak2 umah ko ne diyana..:P