Monday, September 26, 2011

d-d-d-d-dance central

About a year ago I wrote an entry about how I've always wanted to buy a set of rock band ever since I've laid hands on them.

Well now we have a set. We opted for Guitar Hero set instead of rock band but they are almost the same so no biggie there. We've been practicing like mad although I have to admit that I am not quite confident to go anywhere beyond that 'easy' level. I don't want to risk throwing the drum set down from the 18th level. I have a temper that is sometimes beyond madness. So I'm gonna play it safe.

But what really got me excited was that we bought xbox 360 kinect in order to play guitar hero. Kinect 360 is awesome because there are games that don't require you to have a controller. You just have to use your body and the camera will detect your movement. Although truth be told, there were times where I cursed, especially during those trying times when it's difficult to choose 'start' 'next' etc. You need time to get used to it.

The game that I am enjoying at the moment is called 'dance central' where you get to groove to the music, copying the choreograph performed by the dancers on the telly. I love to dance and I love performing but I don't think there will ever be a chance for me to perform on stage again after my graduation. To top it off, I am *cough* currently not in my best shape. Kau nak kena pelempang kalo ngengada joget dengan badan cemni? So this game is my savior. Thank you very much to the creator. I can now be the star of my living room.

Okeh nak gi jejoget. Kthanxbye.


Wahidah said...

ala nyesal tk try masa dtg umah ko hari tuh...:p

MyNameIsdD said...

jom la dtg lagi, buleh try hehe (nnt aku record pastu letak kat fb :-p)

nurarinab said...

Cheng pon da beli xbox kinect tu..bestkan dance central tu..lagi satu yg sport tu..dd main x?lenguh2 kaki n tgn main game tu..

MyNameIsdD said...

sport tu x beli pulak, yg ade game kinect hanye dance central dgn game yg dpt free tu. lepas ni mcm berminat nak beli yg ade boxing tu, mcm best aje.