Wednesday, July 28, 2010

jom play a little mind game!

Hari ni ade kursus untuk English teachers yang ajar kelas kelas form 3. PMR is coming but there are tons of students yang fail, almost fail, dan sipi sipi nak lulus. Biasalah, students nih banyak jenis. There are gifted ones, average ones and those who do not perform well (academically). Tak ape, jangan bias, sebab saya selalu berbisik pade diri sendiri kalau semua orang pandai tak bermaknalah dunia ini kan.

Seperti biasa, time kursus mesti ramai muka stoned -_-
sebab mengantuk.
Cuaca memang mengancam kesegaran mata.
Hujan penuh syahdu dari pagi tadi.
Bilik kursus ada air cond sepoi sepoi bahasa.
(Just typing these sentences above made me feel sleepy).

Penceramah yang baik mestilah boleh detect kalau audience dia dah mengelamun ataupun berpikir dalam hati "tido kat rumah pun sodap".

Dan bila dia dah detect, selalunya dia akan bagi mind games untuk menyegarkan minda.

Jadi untuk memotong cerita ini pendek (to cut the long story short), here's the mind game that I want to share with you. I would not spoil the fun by telling what I got.

Tapi before buat menatang nih, you gotta promise me, no cheating okeh! Jangan peep kat the next step tau! Jangan tipu, tuhan marah.

Are you ready?

1. Think of a number from 1 to 10.

2. Multiply that number by 9.

3. If the number is a 2-digit number, add the digits together (kalau 27, add la 2 + 7 = 9).

4. Now subtract 5.

5. Determine which letter in the alphabet corresponds to the number you ended up with (example: 1=a, 2=b, 3=c,etc.).

6. Think of a country that starts with that letter.

7. Remember the last letter of the name of that country.

8. Think of the name of an animal that starts with that letter.

9. Remember the last letter in the name of that animal.

10. Think of the name of a fruit that starts with that letter.
............................................................................... (penat pulak asik wat menatang dot dot dot inih).

*garu garu*

*debar debar dan nerves*

*batuk batuk*


Did you,
by any chance,
thought of Denmark, Kangaroo and Orange?

If you did, you are one of the 98% population who will give the above answers in doing this mind game. If you did not, well, you are one of the 2% of the abnormal/different/special ones (sila pilih mana satu title yang anda berkenan :-D).

Waktu encik penceramah buat menatang game ini, EVERYBODY gave those three answers except yours truly! Dengan muka tidak normalnya I put my right hand up apabila beliau tanya siapa yang jawab differently.

I thought of Denmark. Koala. Avocado.

macam comel aje kalau seekor Koala mengunyah sebijik Avocado di Denmark.


SuperGirl said...

oh me me me!!!

Denmark. Koala and Apple

MyNameIsdD said...

we are one of the 2% !!! hehehehe. celet skit!