Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Reminiscing the time when I found out I am expecting :)

Tadi time tunggu turn untuk check up, baca magazine Pa & Ma to kill the time. Selak punya selak, nampak satu page dari facebook yang Pa & Ma captured pasal cemana perasaan bila tau dah pregnant. Zuuuup. Terus teringat the day I found out I was pregnant.

The night before I found out I was pregnant, I drank a glass of Diet Dr Pepper (dia macam coke) dengan ais yang memang masyuk lah. Ooh sedapnya rasa. Nikmatnya. Tak terlintas pulak time tu kot tengah pregnant ke hape. My period isn't consistent. Kengkadang dia 28, 29, 30, 31. Averagenya dalam 30. Jadi bila dah lepas hari 28,29 tuh buat rilek saje lah. Sebab dah letih tetiap bulan macam nak saspen bila period lewat a few days. Heh.

Besoknye, hati dup dap dup dap. Memang gatal sungguh nak try Urine Pregnancy Test kit tuh yang memang dah ade stok kat umah. Tapi taknak try waktu husband ade kat rumah, nanti takut dia tengok, dia frust kalau negative. Jadi kalau buat sorang-sorang, negative pun, frust sorang-sorang aje. Or so I thought.

Maka lepas salam husband, dia pun gerak pegi keja. Lari masuk bilik nak try. Muehehehe. Ade nervous sket-sket. Tapi cuba saiko kan diri cakap,"alah nak try aje, kalau negative jangan sedih la, next time boleh try lagi". Tapi, waktu tuh, instinct memang cakap macam there's something. I must try. Tak boleh buat bodoh aje. Lagipun my birthday was approaching at that time. Wouldn't it be the most perfect gift ever, to find out you are expecting? :)

And so I did the test.

And left the strip unattended for a minute or two.

Bila masuk balik dalam toilet, my blood ran cold in my veins. Macam dia froze for a second gitu. My heart skipped a beat too. Could it be?

Ada dua line but the second one was a very faint one. But it was there.

Terus try buat the next strip. Kali nih different brand. Hehe.

Again, two lines! Rather faint. But being someone who was trying to conceive, you will read a lot about pregnancy stories on the internet and I knew a faint line is still considered as positive.

I wanted to cry sooooo bad.

Ye, bersyukur adalah description yang paling tepat pada waktu itu.

Wait, I think I cried bukan wanted to saja dah.

I txted my husband, knowing him, I knew the reply would've been on the dot especially when it comes to this kind of news. Tapi eh eh lambat pulak replynya. Bila call, tak dapat. Sah, line henponnya buat bengong lagi. Cis.

Called pulak opis line dia, dia takda, tapi sempatla sampaikan mesej supaya he would call me back. When he did, dia macam cemas. Takut ada benda buruk terjadi ke kan sebab macam emergency gitu siap suruh call back bagai. Tak pernah dibuek! But I merely told him, cube restart fon untuk baca my text.

Bila cakap cemtuh, dia dah dapat agak dah :)

Lepas tuh dia kol, sounded very very happy! Terus ajak nak pi jumpa doktor bila dia balik kerja nanti.

Malam tu, even though I was quite hesitant nak gi carik klinik yang masih bukak, tapi we managed to find one. Again, I did the UPT test and this time the line was not as faint as the ones I did in the morning. Doktor kata tahniah :) Dia bagi estimated due date based on my last menses.

Dalam kereta, suami cakap "Sekarang saya tau dah cemana rasa bila dapat tau isteri pregnant" sambil tersenyum kambing. He was very happy. We were both grateful for the opportunity to experience pregnancy. The next people I informed was my mom who was very happy too!! To date, memang nampak dia eksaited nak dapat cucu sulung.  Baju pun siap dah belikan bagai. And then I texted my sis in law and my besties. Lepas tuh reached my closest friends via FB by PM-ing them. Of course, they too were over the moon :) It felt so good to know that people were happy for us.

From that day onwards, memang amek langkah berjaga-jaga. Jalan pun perlahan-lahan. Makan memang jaga habis lah. Allah dah bagi anugerah lepas lama menunggu, tak sanggup rasanya nak men belasah aje melasak dan makan pelbagai.

Sekarang, kejap aje rasa dah 7 months. Syukur sangat-sangat. Semoga Allah permudahkan urusan kami dan selamat lah kami menimang cahaya mata pertama nih. Tengah sabar menanti nak dukung dia for the very first time. In the meantime, semoga dia selamat membesar dengan sempurna dalam perut ibu dia ni :) InshaAllah.


Aida Ikmal said...

so happy for you dd! wishing you a smooth and healthy pregnancy (and delivery soon):)

MyNameIsdD said...

thank u my dear Aida :)

nurarinab said...

Tak bole bayangkan perasaan dd yg da lama menanti but so so happy for both of u :) x sabar nak jmpa muhammad rooney :)