Sunday, October 14, 2012

cool babies make the world goes around.

While waiting for the baby to come out and momma gets to be a baby's stylist, enter, KINGSTON & ZUMA:  Gwen Stefani's boys.

We bought a few apparels that we thought (and still think so!) would look adorable on our baby without losing the cool factor. Yes, kewlness itu penting yah. Hehe.

Pumpkin Patch is now one of our favourite stores and I thought it sounds familiar. The brand. And of course, it is actually based in Auckland, NZ. If only I knew!!!!! I would've bought tons of shirts and pants!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The month before THE month

It's October :)

Not for long (I'm sure time will go by very quickly as there are heaps of work to be done before school ends) and my baby will be born :)

Ask me about the feeling of giving birth a few months back, I would've said I'm terrified beyond words.

Ask me now about it,



No, seriously, I feel honoured. Honoured to be given the chance (inshaAllah) to bring a little caliph into this world. What matters to me now is that the baby will be delivered safely and he's healthy. I don't mind the pain, and truth be told, I'm fine with me dying during labour it that's what it takes. The most important thing to me now is the baby. He's my number one priority. My health, my comfort, my ease, my life, all of them fall into the very bottom of my priority list.

I know he would turn out to be an awesome guy regardless of me being with or without him :)

Lagipun kalau meninggal ketika labour, dikira syahid kan? Penghormatan yang betul-betul tinggi.

Tapi kena pastikan kerja semua settle dahulu kalau tak nanti orang sakit hati kalau meninggal menyusahkan orang lain :D

When will the time be, eh?

Early November?

Mid November?

End of November?

As long as the baby could be in my womb for at least 37 weeks, I'm fine with any time of the month.

I hope all will be well with you. And each day I pray that you would excel in your life, here and the hereafter. Be the awesome man that I've always envisioned you to be.

I love you my darling baby :) It's definitely okay for you to be kicking around when I'm trying to fall asleep. I don't mind. Awesome man kenalah rajin exercise, kan :D

Here's to us, to the next stage and to a great life that you will lead, hopefully, with me by your side too :)