Wednesday, July 18, 2012

baby's movement

I've been feeling my baby's movement for a few weeks now. It was subtle in the beginning and I used to not be able to tell it apart from gas. But now, it's obvious. It's the best sensation. It tells me that my baby is there. It never fails to make me feels grateful to Allah.

But yesterday my baby didn't move as much as before. Although I read on the internet at my time of pregnancy, it is pretty normal but surely, the worry was there.

This morning, I talked to my baby.

"Geraklah baby, ibu rindu awak.., ibu risaulah. Ibu sayang awak"

And right after that, the baby moved!

Sampai sekarang masih terasa dia gerak-gerak.

And my tears just keep on rolling.


Risau, memang risau walaupun tak ada apa yang patut dirisaukan InshaAllah. Tapi, the baby comes first. I don't mind not feeling well. I don't mind the pain. I'm okay with the discomfort I'm feeling. As long as the baby is fine.

Sorry baby, ibu nangis. Sebak sangat rasenye tadi. I love you so much even though I haven't met you yet. Terima kasih sebab bagi respond tadi =)

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