Tetapi ;
Saya sedang rindu.
Hati rasa berat bila fikir lamanya tidak jumpa.
5 hari lagik to go before I can see his face and tease him.
120 hours to sail through before I can go and sulk to my heart's content when I feel like it (;-p)
One long week before I can force him to drive and let myself enjoy the view from the car.
We'll finally have our nasik goreng ayam that we had been craving for this past few weeks (ok, it was mainly me but I just had to type 'we' - kene kaver). There'll be a session of sticker-picture taking (it's a tradition ^^) don't worry babe, I'll teach you how to pose and my cuteness will definitely makes up for the both of us. Oops :-P. I hope we'll be able to catch valentine's (the movie) too but even if we don't it's OK because it's your face I'd want to see and not Taylor Lautner's (he 's in this movie. I don't think he'll be shirtless like he did in New Moon though).
You'll aways beat Jacob's rear end dear.
I'm just, basically, missing you. Heaps.
And I can't wait to see you this Friday.
There'll be some serious rear end's squeezing. HEH HEH HEH.
alahai..ciannye die..suro ammar cpt2 cr keje kat melaka eh..nnt dd bole blk melaka gaks ;)
heee ade rezeki i'Allah :-)
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