Wednesday, 23rd December 2009.
Well, where shall I begin.
I did not come home for the entire day and a half yesterday. It's mating season so I was busy searching for potential candidates. Found one, but she seemed uninterested. Or she could probably just playing it cool and wanted me to try harder. Huh, girls.
Mama was upset for my absence. But it's not fair to put all the blame on me. I DID came home yesterday, for a friction of time but there was nobody home. They must have went shopping and as usual, would go back only later in the evening. When the mall has closed. Huh, human. So off I went to chase girls.
I almost hit it off with this girl but I heard mama called out loud "Cici, cici baby mama meh balik mehhh". Shucks. How embarrassing! Mission failed :-(
I decided to be on a hunger strike as a protest for Mama to call me baby earlier.
And that strike lasted for a couple of hours. Could not bear the hunger and I could smell boiled fish from afar. To my disappointment, I was served with only a plate of friskies. Hmph.
Along a.k.a the wicked sis woke up and pinched my cheek. I don't even have any to begin with.
Syafiq a.k.a the moody bro knocked me on my head for wanting to attack his feet. I swear to God, I thought I'm over the feet attacking stage but apparently I have not. Blanket covered toes that wiggle just look sooooo inviting.
Decided to laze around outside at the balcony. I'm still on my mating mode and was waiting patiently for this girl. God I'm so patient these days I ought to reward myself with more food.
Could hear Along eating keropok ikan and that is one of my weakness. Went inside and did the pity face. She gave me some. Heh heh. Sucker. ;-p
But I could not go outside again because she was blocking the way. Told ya she's wicked -_- She grabbed me and danced around with me. She just watched So You Think You Can Dance on telly and was imagining me being her partner. Gah. She lifted me up, twirled me round and round and squeezed me way too tight. Honestly, this girl just gets me on my nerve every so often.
Rushed outside as soon as I could. Nanananana! I wanted to stick my tongue out but that would look too weird.
Continued to laze around at the balcony, taking my fake nap just outside the door. Along must be itching badly to disturb me but suprisingly, she did not.
Gosh it's so hot today I wish I'm in Alaska or something. With hot, thick fur female cats all wanting to be close to me to heat up their cold bodies. I'd probably have many girlfriends what with this handsome stripes of mine they must be dying to be with me. And I'll show them how macho I am and how ..... zzzzzz
.... And I doze off.
Cici kucing yg gila minyak cap kapak. Pelik punya budak.
dd,kucing tu sgt comel..kalo dpt ank kucing nk satu bole x??pleaseeeee... (batting eyelashes)
hehehehe buleh, kalo cici tuh cici nih kucin jantan ;-p kalo die pregnen tuh mau masuk suratkhabar tuh heheh.
haha..mcm tu kawen dgn kucing arina die abu tp die betina sbnrnye..hahaha..cume die kacuk kucg local dan parsi..leh lah tu kan..kite tgk hslnye nnti..hehehe
boleh2! Cici musti nak punye lah. hohoho. Dpt anak leh namekan Abu Cici ;-p
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